Poem #7

Tentative Title 1: Printemps
Tentative Title 2: Cheap Date

“This city,”
He said
“Has me smoking like a train”

Shoveling more coal in his throat
I light the fire in between his lips
Then take a video of it burning

He is a stranger to me
And we have walked in the rain 
In this city
for miles
For pictures of cherry blossoms 

We sit down in a cafe
To escape the weather
He says he never gets to see flowers
like this

You see, he’s chasing winters
Finds anywhere in the world with 
He likes to prove he can withstand it.

I’m chasing summer
But all I’ve found is spring—
Lukewarm and fleeting 

“We should run.”
He says
“Without paying?” 
I offer to buy his 
It’s a memory to broadcast
He says 
Okay, I say.

I’m interested in proving
That we are having a good time
So I count to three.