News Release

First Draft
Final Draft

My Role: In creating the news release, Jordyn and I chose to divide and conquer. She took Attention and Interest, and I took Desire and Action. We each wrote 1-2 short paragraphs covering our brand’s product in the context of our AIDA letters. Then, Jordyn took the first comb through to edit, and I took the second. Jordyn made sure to include all of the important information from the brochure, and I made sure to include some new, exciting information to warrant the news release. However, I failed to (in my final edit) make sure to add our logo at the top of the page. Additionally, I didn’t check to see how the news release would look when transferred from a google doc to a PDF so I also failed to make sure that it would fit onto one page when transferred over to a pdf/docx. Overall, we both had relatively equal responsibilities.

Reflection on what changed: After the peer review, it was clear that we had some formatting issues, so we were able to change those relatively easily. We added our logo at the top and then changed the font size of both our body, sub-header, and header. Then we combed through to find repetitive sentences, and decided which ones to reword and keep so it covered all of the information we were trying to communicate. After that, we made sure to reformat the paragraphs so they were more uniform and coherent— I think this really helped with the concision of the news release. Finally, we went through and made sure the language we used was cohesive with our brand ideologies. We wanted to makes sure it came across more journalistic, because the brand is relatively laid back and any intense marketing type of lingo might have put the reader off. I think that the peer review really helped us to reformulate our news release so it made sense, accurately portrayed our brand, and effectively called potential consumers to action.