Annotation #3

This dialogue between patient and provider surrounding the treatment is indicative of the level of autonomy the Doctor perceives Esther to have. Had the Doctor been proceeding with a patient-centered approach, he likely would have asked far more questions after Esther’s initial assessment of her well being. Instead, he simply ceased at the question of … [Read more…]

Annotation #2

Esther’s dishonest answer speaks to her lack of trust in the Doctor. Had Doctor Gordon built a report with Esther, he could have potentially received a more honest answer. However, he was only just at the stage of social formality following her ECT, and so the response he received reflected this. In Martin Smith’s Article, … [Read more…]

Annotation #1

In an article reviewing health and the humanities, the authors review how inclusions of ECT in literature can humanize the patient perspective writing, “In the case of controversial treatments such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), Hilton (2007) describes how novels such as Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar (1963)… can illuminate what such procedures might feel like … [Read more…]


“Doctor Gordon was fitting two metal plates on either side of my head. He buckled them into place with a strap that dented my forehead, and gave me a wire to bite. I shut my eyes. There was a brief silence, like an indrawn breath. Then something bent down and took hold of me and … [Read more…]

Artist’s Book

Long awaited and a couple days late. Here is my final artist’s book. Poem: It hurts to look at you 12:00 AMThese are the times we have togetherThe times whenThe ocean partsIn the palm of our handsAnd the seaweed Sprouts and disseminatesIn our mouthsA briny delicacyWe know all too well 3:00 PMWe feel the moonTear us … [Read more…]

Additional Exercise

Additional Exercise Delaney Collins Opinion: Why I Make Digital Poetry Important Note on Creative Bias: Before I begin to exclaim all of the reasons why I find the digital world to be a far more tantalizing space to create art, I’d like to start by stating my bias: I’m not really good at anything else … [Read more…]

An Election Inspired Poem

On the Third Night (inspired by Robert Frost’s poem Fire and Ice) There is something in the air, again. And so they call upon usIn the hour where ash bleaches our eyelashesand soot smudges our mouths.With Pompeii under eyes and upper lips:Volcanically, we follow them. And above us, there is a roaring. Helicopters blending the … [Read more…]